Sunday, July 20, 2008

My First Album [SOLO SAPE- Peacrful Music To Enrich Your Soul]

Peaceful Music to enrich your soul.

The performer:

Tuyang Tan Ngan is an ethnic Chinese Sarawakian. For the last 20 years he has been a yoga instructor in Kuching.

It was through his yoga that he became aware of the soothing music of the sape. In the past the sape was played during healing ceremonies now Tan uses the music as therapy for his yoga students.

Although familiar with the instrument since young it was only in 2005 at the Rainforest World Music Festival that Tan felt his soul was touched by the soothing music of the sape. Tan’s musical background with other stringed instruments helped him acquire the skills needed to learn to play the sape. He now makes and decorates his own sapes. Since 2005 he has been composing and developing his own playing techniques and increasing the range of the traditional instrument. Tan continues to use modern technology in his experimentation and evolution of the instrument.
He plays at functions and for the enjoyment and relaxation of his friends and students.
This is his first recording.

This collection of sape music is a mix of both traditional and modern compositions. The traditional compositions are : Datau Jelut, Chut Tuyang and Leleng. The remaining pieces are Tan’s compositions.

Traditional sape music uses only 13 notes. My compositions use as many as 30 thus giving a wider range of sounds.
I am drawn to the music of the sape, as like yoga, it has a natural rhythm reminiscent of relaxed breathing.

All of these tracks except Wonderful Day are played on a 4-string sape.
This album is recorded using a digital system and is best heard on a player with a superior sound system.

01 Sweet Memories

Allow your mind to wander down memory lane and recall the lovely old days. If you are feeling disheartened or stressed this music may help your mind to recapture those carefree days of youth.

02 Datau Jelut (Tuyang’s Version)

This traditional Orang Ulu composition is played with 1 or 2 sapes. The composition itself is a simple one. I have created the sound of 4 musicians by making 4 individual recordings and then combining them to create several layers of sound to produce a soothing effect.
For the Orang Ulu people this piece would be used to welcome guests to the longhouse.

03 Soul Of Warrior
This composition evokes the spirit of the brave warrior by telling the story of a Sarawak hero. The composition is made up of 4 parts with one part being a traditional composition on to which I have added 3 further parts. The vibrating of the strings in the music represents the clashing sound of the machetes during the battle. The tempo is appropriate for the celebration after a battle has been won.

04 Dance With Hornbill
This piece is based on a traditional Kenyah rhythm but is my own composition. The complex nature of the composition involves a difficult fingering technique not used by traditional players. The piece is inspired from my childhood memories of watching a hornbill eating berries and hopping about in the trees. The music evokes the sounds and movements of the bird.

05 Wonderful Day
This composition is played on an 8 stringed sape. This allows me to simultaneous play bass, rhythm and lead. The music is about enjoying oneself at the beach. The sun is warm and the sea is blue. The sound of the waves breaking on the shore refreshes the mind. Seeing Nature at its best epitomizes a wonderful day.

06 The Sape Of The Night
In this piece the day turns to night. The frogs begin their croaking as the raindrops plop.
For many years I have taught yoga as a health and wisdom therapy. The high levels of stress that many people develop whilst trying to reach their life goals is detrimental to the body and mind. This composition is aimed at relaxing both the body and mind of the listener.

07 Chut Tuyang (Tuyang’s Version)
This is a tribute to the greatest sape player of Sarawak, the late Tusan Padan.
The music’s melody is captivating. According to old Kenyah folk this number is used for celebrations. Single men play the sape to vie for the attention of the longhouse girls. The enchanting music is timeless and still has the power to attract the attention of a young woman to a possible suitor.

08 Beautiful Dance
This composition uses a traditional pattern of play. Tapping the melody string creates a vibration of the notes played. It reminds me of a peaceful, natural environment free from stress. The graceful tempo of this composition makes it suitable for an Orang Ulu dance.

09 Celebration
The folks of the longhouse are pleased with a bountiful harvest. They thank God and celebrate with feasting, music and dancing .This music is created by using modern technology with traditional techniques. The blend is a mix of the old and new.

10 Blossom
The early morning is alive with the sounds of nature: birds singing and frogs croaking in a beautiful garden environment. The sounds of nature are accompanied by the sound of the sape playing.

11. Dreams
The rhythm of the music matches the inhaling and exhaling of deep breathing. When sleep does not come easy clear the mind of all thoughts and breathe with the music to help you drift away to your dreams.

12 Leleng (Tuyang’s Version)
This tradition composition literally means to look around. It is usually the last dance of a performance in a longhouse, a farewell to the visitors. It is therefore the last track on this CD.

Your enjoyment of this music will be a motivator and inspire Tuyang Tan Ngan to compose more.

Kuching 2008


hazyma rahman said...

salam sejahtera
i am a really fans of this sape rhytm
is there any change i can buy ur album?

阿虎 said...

I bought the CD from a souvenior shop opposite Kuching waterfront yesterday! Great music! Keep up the good work. It'll be cool to do a collaboration with you someday.

Jenice said...

i bought ur CD from a souvenior shop at water front. when i once enter my first step into that shop, ur music able to attract me n get my curiosity want to ask the boss there where i can buy ur CD, because i feel "i want this very much~!". finally, i got ur album from this shop. its not only able to enrich my soul, but also able to calm down my mind n feel peace. thanks god. this is a very good music. i m a counsellor n i think i can use ur music as a tool for music therapy intervention. hope u can release ur second album soon. :)

Blindref said...

Dear Sir,I bought your CD while i was on the water front in Kuching in 2010,I heard it as i was walking By with my wife and fell in love with it. Just the most peaceful and beautiful music i have ever heard,it Bringing back all the sights and sounds of Sarawak. I live in the UK and when i play this album my heart just lifts. I will keep a look out for another album from you and will totally get it. Thank you for your Gift of this Album.

Blindref said...

Dear Sir,I bought your CD while i was on the water front in Kuching in 2010,I heard it as i was walking By with my wife and fell in love with it. Just the most peaceful and beautiful music i have ever heard,it Bringing back all the sights and sounds of Sarawak. I live in the UK and when i play this album my heart just lifts. I will keep a look out for another album from you and will totally get it. Thank you for your Gift of this Album.

Anonymous said...

I heard your music at the the Dayak restaurant and also at the Sarawak Museum at one of the displays. I loved it.
How can I get your CD? I live in the USA and cannot find it anywhere?

kadissinene said...


kadissinene said...
